What is a comparison rate and why is it important?

What is a comparison rate and why is it important? What exactly are comparison rates, and how are they calculated? Comparison rates show you all of the rates related to your home loan. This includes the interest rates applied to your loan as well as all of the fees and charges that the borrower is […]

What type of home loan is right for me?

The home market right now is very busy, and as such, there are countless options out there when it comes to home loans. But, what type of home loans is right for you? Every day, it seems, there are more and more options becoming available, and each of these have their own benefits and drawbacks, […]

What is Stamp Duty?

What is Stamp Duty? In the most basic of terms, Stamp Duty refers to the taxation the government puts on certain transactions. However, it is important to know how Stamp Duty relates to the purchasing of property. This will help you make sure you are getting into a situation that you can actually afford. Stamp […]

Mortgage Calculators and Home Loans Calculators Tips and Traps

Most Finance Websites have a Mortgage Calculator/Home Loan Calculator, from the very basic to the somewhat elaborate. When using this type of resource there is one important rule you must observe – it is a guide only. You need to speak with a professional before relying on the information.   Mortgage Calculators assist you and […]

What are interest rates?

What are interest rates? When it comes to home loans, interest rates are a very important thing to understand. These rates dictate how much of your monthly payments go towards your home loan. It is important to know that interest is built into your home loan. Because of this, you need to know what they […]